Grayson James Taylor
Our little man's due date was September 6th, and with me being 5 days late with our oldest neither of us thought Grayson would be early. At 38 weeks baby boy was still breech (I had been trying everything to get him to turn!) , which led us to having another ultrasound and a consult with a specialist. We had a 65% chance of an ECV working (an external cephalic version) where they manually flip the baby head down. The next day we went into the hospital for the procedure and it was a success! The whole thing took less than 5 minutes and he turned very easily!
Fast forward less than 72 hours and I woke up having cramping around 1 in the morning. It was not as strong as it was with Bennett so wasn't sure if it was labor or just Braxton Hicks. Turns out it was labor and within 5 hours baby boy had arrived, weighing 7 lbs and 19 inches long. I had heard the 2nd labor goes quick but I had no idea it would go that quickly!
Grayson ended up having an extended stay in the NICU as he caught an infection during delivery. It is definitely scary hearing your baby has to be in the NICU, but it made it easier having such amazing nurses for him. A week later we were able to bring him home and big brother is adjusting and loving having "baby brother" around.